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Tag Archives: howard west
Digging Through Historical Newspapers Online
As my research into the mysteries in and around the conception and birth of Howard W. West Sr., and confirmation of his parents, Walter Ellsworth West and Lula Bell Pinder, I’ve recently discovered that all of the major players, save … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Family History Research Notes, Michigan, Places, West
Tagged brunner, digital archives, family history tips, genealogy tips, historical newspapers, howard west, lula bell pinder, maps, metcalf, michigan, newspaper maps, newspapers, pinder, research tips, walter west, west
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Howard W. West Sr. Timeline
I’ve had some challenges researching long lost relatives, but the mysteries and myths in and around my grandfather, Howard W. West Sr., continue to amaze as I dig through his history. The following is what I have at the time … Continue reading
Posted in Family, West
Tagged ana mae larmar, biography, brunner, california, carmen, coast guard, family history, family history research, fay vaughn, fay vaughn west, howard west, howard west sr, larmar, lighthouse, louella pinder, marines, michigan, military, mourhouse, navy, oregon, oregon coast, orphanage, parrett, parrott, perry, perry saville west, perry west, pinder, saville west, timeline, uss arizona, walter ellsworth west, walter west, washington, washington coast, west
Where Were Turbans Worn in the World in 1925?
According to Wikipedia, the Turban first appeared in the history of clothing early on, highlighting turbans called phakeolis worn by the Byzantine army. My question is where was my grandfather, Howard W. West Sr., that he captured this picture of … Continue reading
Posted in Do You Know These People?, Family, West
Tagged howard west, india, location, mystery photos, photo detective, travel, turbans
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Puget Sound Navy Museum, Bremerton, Washington

This is an unconfirmed picture of what I think is the Naval Base at Bremerton, Washington, circa 1926. It was taken by my grandfather, Howard W. West Sr.. He was on the USS Arizona during its stay there for refitting … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Genealogy Resources, Places, Washington State, West
Tagged bremerton, coast guard, howard west, howard west sr, military, museum, navy, puget sound navy museum, uss arizona, washington, west
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Seattle Coast Guard Museum – The History of the Coast Guard and Pacific Northwest Maritime

There is a Coast Guard Museum in Seattle, Washington. This will be invaluable as I dig more into the lives of my father and his father, both serving in the Coast Guard in the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Ocean. The … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Genealogy Resources, Knapp, Places, Washington State, West
Tagged boats, coast guard, coast guard history, family history research, history, howard west, howard west jr, howard west sr, knapp, maritime, military, museum, photo detective, research, resources, revenue cutter service, ships
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Can You Spot the USS Arizona?
My grandfather, Howard William West Sr. served on the USS Arizona in the early 1920s. In researching his life on the ship, culling what information I can from his USS Arizona Log Book 1924-1925 and the History of the USS … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Genealogy Resources, Genealogy Techniques, West
Tagged battleship, coast guard, howard west, military, navy, photo identification, ship, ship identification, uss arizona, vessel
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Searching for Coast Guard Insignias and Ranks
In this photograph of my grandfather, Howard William West Sr. (tallest) and friend, based upon the US Coast Guard Military History PDF file of ratings, ranks, warrant, marks and insignia (PDF File), my grandfather was a Petty Officer, Quartermaster, 2nd … Continue reading
Posted in Do You Know These People?, Family, West
Tagged coast guard, coast guard history, coast guard insignia, howard west, insignia, military, military history, military rank, officer, rank, ranking, uniforms, west
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Biography of Wilbur West (1827-c1900), Son of Benjamin West and Polly Disbrow
The Michigan County Histories has a terrible unedited version of Portrait and biographical album of Lenawee County, Michigan available online, which features biographical biographical sketches and portraits of prominent and representative citizens of the county. Produced by the Chapman Brothers, … Continue reading
Posted in Disbrow, Family, West
Tagged adrian, benjamin west, bud west, disbrow, howard west, michigan, polly disbrow, raisin, west, wilber west
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History of Portland, Oregon, Helps Genealogists
Genealogy Help (GenHelp) has just released a History of Portland, Oregon as part of their ongoing emphasis on the history of Oregon Genealogy. The new manuscript for History of Portland, Oregon can be found on the Access Genealogy website, and … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy Resources, West
Tagged brunner, bud west, howard west, louella, mystery, oregon, parrett, pinder, portland, unknown, washington, west
Howard “Bud” West (1937-2006)
My father, Howard W. West, died a few days ago. There will be a memorial service Wednesday, October 25, 2006, from 6-8PM at Solie Funeral Home, 3301 Colby Avenue, Everett, Washington. Howard W. West Jr., was also known as “Bud” … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Genealogy News, West
Tagged bud west, coast guard, everett, howard west, king county, lake stevens, lockeed, marysville, seattle, snohomish, todds shipyards, washington, west