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Author Archives: Lorelle VanFossen
History of Portland, Oregon, Helps Genealogists
Genealogy Help (GenHelp) has just released a History of Portland, Oregon as part of their ongoing emphasis on the history of Oregon Genealogy. The new manuscript for History of Portland, Oregon can be found on the Access Genealogy website, and … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy Resources, West
Tagged brunner, bud west, howard west, louella, mystery, oregon, parrett, pinder, portland, unknown, washington, west
Can DNA Really Solve Family Mysteries?
In an article on MSNBC called “DNA Solves a Family Mystery”, author Matt Crenson tells of how modern DNA testing has helped to solve the mysteries about his great-grandfather’s history. It also includes some rather stunning information on what DNA … Continue reading
Ethnic Groceries: Step Back in Time with Your Ancestors’ Food
Slashfood, a blog on food and cooking, asks “Are There Ethnic Grocery Stores in Your Neck of the Woods?” I thought it was just in my neck of the woods that small ethnic grocery stores were the place to go … Continue reading
The Web Helps Make Genealogy Business Big Business
In an article by the Wall Street Journal Startup called “Web Helps to Create Genealogy Businesses”, it tells of how family history researchers are turning their personal skills and experiences into online businesses, helping others find their own family’s roots. … Continue reading
World Vital Records Adds Everton Genealogy Library Collection
In an announcement on Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, “ to add Everton Genealogical Library’s Collection” expanding the resources available to members of The Everton Genealogical Library and World Vital Records. New books and research material include a variety of research … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy Resources
Bringing the Past Alive in Historical Gardens
According to a press release announcement from the UK National Archives, “Germinating History: 200 year old seeds spring to life”, is exciting news for biologists as well as genealogists: Against all expectations, seed scientists from the Millennium Seed Bank at … Continue reading
New Collection of Over 100 Million US Immigrants Now on
Discovery News announces “Immigrant Passenger Logs Now Online”, referring to the digitization and collection process by to bring together immigration records and collections. The digitization project contains more than 100 million names and is now searchable online, according to … Continue reading
Online Census Images: or Heritage Quest – Which One is Better?
The Plymouth Library Genealogy Blog pointed me to Everton Publishers Genealogy Blog examines “Which to Use? or HeritageQuest for the Best Census Images” for researching genealogy census reports online. …So to make a long story short – today we … Continue reading
The Master Genealogist: Tips for Sources, Citations, and Credits
In genealogy, sources are complicated. This is putting it mildly. Every bit of information you gather in your family history research must be documented with where you found it, and where it resides after you found it. It also helps … Continue reading
Marinette County, Wisconsin: Research Links and Online Resources

Many of my ancestors lived in Marinette County, Wisconsin, for much of their lives. The Knapp family lived in and around Taylor Rapids, a defunct logging camp town along the Peshtigo River that is now state forest land and completely … Continue reading