The Spittoon is the company blog of 23andMe, a DNA testing company. The blog includes articles by their scientists, researchers, and other employees.
The goal of the site is to help customers understand their DNA, health, traits, and ancestry, and it offers some fascinating information into DNA research science, trends, and discoveries, as well as helpful information for family history researchers exploring their roots through their genetic code.
Recent articles include:
- Fear Not The Genome on getting past the fears associated with genetic testing, privacy concerns, and how to handle the information your gene code reveals.
- A Milestone in the Fight Against MPNs Marks a Moment to Reflect – article on the company’s determination to trace a group of rare blood disorders known as myeloproliferative neoplasms, or MPNs.
- Older Dads – a look at a study that shows that for each year a man delays fatherhood, he increases the number of new genetic mutations he passes on to his children, and the tool they created to calculate the number of mutations an older father may pass on.
- Back to School: Sex Chromosomes Quiz Results – results of a quiz they offered to help you learn more about how sex is determined.
- Cilantro Love and Hate: Is it a Genetic Trait? – the genetic trait that makes the taste of cilantro differently in the mouths of various people with the same genetic code.
- Who Planted The Family Tree? – a look at the melting pot trends found in their DNA research.
- Back-to-School: The Genetics of Learning from Your Mistakes – does your boo boos comes from your ancestors?
Many of the articles take a lighthearted approach to a complex field. Others help us understand the complex science found in DNA research.
This is also a good example of how a scientific research company can not only put a human face on their mission, but find a way of helping customers and non-customers expand their knowledge and understanding of the science without the sales pitch or corporate tone.
I recommend you add this one to your family history feed or bookmarks to keep up on the latest news and help you better understand your own DNA research.
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