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Tag Archives: oregon
Howard W. West Sr. Timeline
I’ve had some challenges researching long lost relatives, but the mysteries and myths in and around my grandfather, Howard W. West Sr., continue to amaze as I dig through his history. The following is what I have at the time … Continue reading
Posted in Family, West
Tagged ana mae larmar, biography, brunner, california, carmen, coast guard, family history, family history research, fay vaughn, fay vaughn west, howard west, howard west sr, larmar, lighthouse, louella pinder, marines, michigan, military, mourhouse, navy, oregon, oregon coast, orphanage, parrett, parrott, perry, perry saville west, perry west, pinder, saville west, timeline, uss arizona, walter ellsworth west, walter west, washington, washington coast, west
Musings of the History Queen of The Dalles, Oregon

I’m trying to research information on news events that happened between 1958 and 1965 in The Dalles, Oregon, and having no luck on the web. However, I did find some resources worth sharing for future reference. In particular is the … Continue reading
Uncovering the Past on Place Names
In another brilliant family history and local history piece, Winquatt of Musings of the History Queen brings us “The mystery of Justin Chenoweth.” In The Dalles, Oregon, Chenoweth’s name (spelled Chenowith by the locals) is plastered all over town. There’s … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy Resources, Michigan, Oregon, Places, Washington State, Wisconsin
Tagged cities, family history tips, genealogy tips, history, locations, michigan, naming things, oregon, place names, states, towns, washington, wisconsin
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Genealogy, Archives, Libraries, and Museums Resources for States in the US
Top 75 State Genealogy Websites of 2012 by Rich Crume of Family Tree Magazine is an extensive listing of US State Archives, libraries, museums, and other online resources to help you with your family history research. For my own research, … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy Resources, Places
Tagged archives, death indexes, family history online research, family history research, genealogy research, indiana, library, michigan, museums, north dakota, oklahoma, online resources, oregon, research, south dakota, state archives, states, washington
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History of Portland, Oregon, Helps Genealogists
Genealogy Help (GenHelp) has just released a History of Portland, Oregon as part of their ongoing emphasis on the history of Oregon Genealogy. The new manuscript for History of Portland, Oregon can be found on the Access Genealogy website, and … Continue reading
Posted in Genealogy Resources, West
Tagged brunner, bud west, howard west, louella, mystery, oregon, parrett, pinder, portland, unknown, washington, west
Soap Opera Life: Lula Bell Louella Brunner Pinder Parrett, Mystery Ancestor
Faked marriage. Many marriages. Divorce. Adultry. Drugs and alcohol. Mental illness. Abandoned children. Orphanages. All this soap opera material adds up to our major mystery ancestor: Lula Bell/Louella Brunner Pinder West Moorhause/Morehouse Parrett. It’s really tough when much of the … Continue reading
Posted in Do You Know These People?, Family, West
Tagged brunner, bud west, howard west, louella, mystery, oregon, parrett, pinder, portland, unknown, washington, west
Howard William West – USS Arizona Log Book 1924-1925
The USS Arizona was officially launched from Virginian on April 3, 1917, where “she cleared the yard on that date for Norfolk, arriving there on the following day to join Battleship Division 8.” World War I had her staying close … Continue reading
Posted in Family, West
Tagged bud west, california, china, family history news, family history research, genealogy, genealogy news, genealogy research, howard west, japan, military, naval, navy, oregon, pacific, ship yards, uss arizona, war, washington, west