This is a paper describing the trip back to Taylor Rapids, Wisconsin, by Knapp brothers, Wayne and Robert. It’s a beautiful piece that describes the now lost-to-time logging community and the landmarks that shaped their lives growing up there.
It’s a wonderful satisfying feeling to have successfully accomplished the long trip back to the eastern part of the country, the beautiful sights, mountains, planes, rivers and lakes, to a little space of land that is so small it would barely make a dot on the map: Taylor Rapids, Wisconsin.
Why would anyone be so fond of the small insignificant piece of property. Thirty-seven years ago and more, it was the home and birthplace of the writer of these pages, and there he lived with his brothers, sister, and mother for several years. This was where we went to school, learn to read and write and figure, also to work and realize the value of money.
After so many years, changes have taken place to a very great degree, therefore various places were difficult to identify, although the actual grounds had not changed. The trees have grown so tall and thick, and reforestation put thousands of trees were open plains were before. Sadness fills the hearts of those who gazed once more upon the intimate old home place where so many years ago this place and the surrounding countryside was filled with song and laughter, as boys grew up together. Continue reading