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Tag Archives: software
RootsMagic Hints at Interface

Michael Booth of RootsMagic, one of the most powerful genealogy software programs available for both Mac and Windows, offered a sneak peak at the new Ancestry interface coming ANY MINUTE (she dreams) to RootsMagic. The hint images and description look … Continue reading
Choosing Between RootsMagic and Personal Historian
When the news came that The Master Genealogist was being discontinued, I waited with the rest of the fans of one of the world’s best genealogy research and tracking programs to see what would happen. While there is noise of … Continue reading
GEDCOM Standards: Is an Update Coming?

GEDCOM, according to Wikipedia, is an acronym for GEnalogical Data COMmunication. It is a type of file used by genealogy programs as a standard for presenting family history facts in a text file easily read by other genealogy programs, websites, … Continue reading